Creating a Spirit-Filled Home: 8 Practical Steps

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A spirit-filled, peaceful home is key to living a life where you and your family can grow and thrive.

This is part two of a two part series called Create a Peaceful, Spirit-filled Home with Jesus. You can check out part one where we dive into what scripture says about the home here.

Let’s dive right in to the practical steps you can take to make sure your home is a peaceful, spirit-filled home.

1. Pray.

You know what I think? This generation doesn’t pray enough. And I say that as someone who is part of this generation. I think the reason is we’re so addicted to instant gratification, and prayer is definitely not instant gratification (more on that later). Because we don’t get instant results, we don’t do it. So I can understand if you read number one of this list and were put off. Stick with me.

Prayer much more important and much less complicated than you think. It’s simple really. Just talk to God and ask him to help you. Here’s what I would say:

Lord, I ask that you help me to make my home peaceful. I invite the Holy Spirit to permeate my home and every single room and space. Maybe I’m not sure what that looks like right now, but give me wisdom and understanding and guide my steps.

I would encourage you to push yourself to speak to God even when you don’t feel like it, but if you can’t manage a longer prayer, simply something like:

Lord, bless this space.


Holy Spirit, take ownership of this home, of this room.”

Try it!

2. Wake Up Routine with Jesus

Have a morning routine that includes Jesus. It doesn’t have to be super extensive bible study or an hour long worship session or interceding for everyone you know. It can be, but it doesn’t have to be. Too many people are put off because they think they have to do all the things, give God perfection or else it doesn’t count. Fortunately for us, we will never be perfect and nothing we could ever give God would be enough for what he deserves but he loves us and wants to be close to us anyway. Which is GREAT news.

Your morning routine just needs to be something simple, something you love and can’t wait to do. There is actually so much power in simple, honest prayer. The whatever you can manage prayers. The “Lord, help me today” prayers. The gospel jazz when you wake up. The reading the framed bible verse as you walk down the hallway.

Sometimes that’s all you can manage mentally, spiritually, physically. And that is okay. Tiny baby steps are still steps in the right direction.

3. Decluttering with Intention

Choosing a room, thanking God for it and asking him to help you let go of what you don’t need, and asking God to bring peace into this room.

Then seek inspiration from Instagram or TikTok or Pinterest. The idea is to make every space in your house into a space you love. It makes maintaining, tidying and cleaning so much easier. You don’t need to buy expensive things. I love thrifting things for my home decor. You can decorate without breaking the bank.

Get rid, throw out or donate anything you don’t love or use. Clothes that you never wear, shoes you never put on. Books you never read. Sometimes if I find that there is something that is really bothering me, I note it down so that later I can find a better place for it. Sometimes it’s not the item, it’s where it is that’s the problem.

4. Worship and Music

I’ve always loved music. It changes the mood and atmosphere in the home depending on what you’re listening to. While I do still listen to secular music, I don’t listen to anything explicit in my home.

My hack with music is to change the music according to the mood I want us to switch into.

During dinner, I put restaurant music on. After dinner, gospel jazz.

Look, I did not grow up listening to jazz. But it’s always felt super elegant and dreamy to me. So one day, I thought that it doesn’t matter if I wasn’t raised doing it. I can pave the way. Even my husband was confused the first time I played jazz at home. But let me tell you it has made a huge difference in the atmosphere of my home.

5. Have Scripture in the Home

Put scripture everywhere around your home. Frame it. I love to collect little plaques and home decor with bible verses or Christian quotes. It doesn’t even need to be words. I’ve seen art that is just a mustard seed on a blank canvas. You can find anything to suit your style and budget.

6. Spaces for Prayer and Reflection

Create beautiful spaces where you can read the bible or study it or pray. A cozy nook or a prayer closet. A few years ago my walk in wardrobe was my prayer closet. It saw many tears and answered prayers and it was my favourite space in the home.

Have a little space where you can read your bible or pray. Make it yours, make it beautiful.

7. Create a Peaceful Home Routine

I could give you my personal routine, and you could follow it, but would you love it? Maybe. But probably not. Your home routine should include the things that bring you and your family peace.

To create an amazing home routine, write down at what points of the day are you most lacking peace? What times of the day are the most stressful for you and your family? Now next to those write what would need to be done to make it peaceful.

Personally, I used to really not like doing the girls lunch boxes. I started prepping lunch bags for the week on a Sunday. That way, during the week it would be easy for the girls to pack their own lunchboxes and get ready.

So take a moment to go through and think of your typical day. Start from the morning, writing down every little annoying or stressful thing that comes up. Then next to them, write a solution that is doable for you with the resources you have now. This is important because you want to eliminate excuses or they’ll get in the way. Start with what you have.

Something else you could do is take note of the stressful moments when you are in them and note what is stressing you out. You don’t have to fix it straight away but at least you know that you will.

These are things that steal our peace daily. We can do something about it. Here’s another example.

Problem: I got really mad when my daughter couldn’t find her shoes this morning, because I couldn’t find them either and we can never find them.


  • assign a basket specifically for school shoes and socks. It lives beside the front door.
  • work on responsibility with my child so that they know that it is their responsibility to know where their school shoes are.

Yep, it takes time. But it’s a small thing that will have a big impact.

8. Maintain a tidy home.

This has been the hardest thing for me to learn over my years as a wife and mother. It wasn’t super drilled into me when I was little. When it came time for me to have my own home, I had no idea how to handle it. It has taken me years to get to the point where I can maintain my home in the way I want to.

My go-to is to make cleaning fun somehow. Make it something you want to do even if you have to trick yourself. I watch (well, listen) to Netflix while I clean.

You need to have the tools to keep your home clean. I have a little cleaning basket that I carry with my to every room that I clean. If I’m missing something, it reduces the motivation I have to clean because I feel like it won’t be clean the way I like it.

Those are my favourite, tried and true tips to creating a peaceful, spirit-filled home with Jesus.

Remember, it’s not about aesthetics or the latest gadgets.

Creating a Christ-centered, spirit-filled home starts with small, intentional steps and a heart rooted in God’s word. From praying over your spaces to building routines that reduce stress. Every action can invite the Holy Spirit to transform your home into a place of refuge, growth and joy.

Remember, peace begins with Jesus, and we can set the tole and rely of God’s wisdom to guide our journey. Let’s commit to making our homes sanctuaries for our families and ourselves, built firmly on the foundation of Christ.

I would encourage you to choose one of these practices to start this week. Start small.

I can’t wait to see what you do to bring Jesus and peace back into your home this week.

Tag us to share your journey!

Don’t forget, our Life Audit Guide is still on sale, you can get it here.

Peace to your household.


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